This is a simple page dedicated to highlighting some of the Tommy Tallarico classics

On multiple occasions Tommy has claimed he was the first American to work on Sonic the Hedgehog, but this is not true at all.

• Tommy submitted three tracks for Sonic and the Black Knight (which he didn't write) which was released in 2009. Americans had worked on Sonic since the 90's. Here is a video about it that debunks the claim, and here is a Reddit thread discussing it.

Tommy has said many times that he performed a world record breaking concert in front of 750,000 people, with over a hundred thousand of those being in the stadium.

• Actually, he only performed in front of 2,086 people, with the rest of the number coming from online views. The official Guinness World Record website says this. And here is a video showing Tommy's claim that he made many times.

Tommy has liked to claim that he is a "Yankee hall of fame" baseball player. He even made his claim in an Intellivision Amico investor document.

• The reality is that he paid to go to a Yankee fantasy camp, and by paying to do this five times was put in to a "Fantasy camp hall of fame". Here is a video covering it, and here is a scan of an article talking about the Fantasy camp with a mention of Tommy's involvement.

Tommy has made the claim that he was featured on the famous TV show, MTV Cribs. He was not on MTV Cribs at all.

Here is a video covering it. Also, it is mentioned in slightly more depth in this video at the 1:30:40 mark.

Tommy posed with a waxwork of the Dalai Lama, and later claimed that he met him and told Tommy that he liked his music. He even included a picture on his website under the "celebrities" section.

Here is a Reddit thread where it was discussed, and here is a section of the previously mentioned video talking about it some more.

Tommy once tried to smuggle over $100,000 in cash across the border from Brazil to the USA. When caught, he tried to blame it on his unsuspecting Video Game Live musicians who had nothing to do with it.

Here is a link to the court case, and here is a Twitter thread where one of the musicians Tommy tried to throw under the bus talks about her experience.

Tommy used to boast about having a 25th Anniversary Lamborghini Countach. It was a fake kit car.

Here is a link to car enthusuasts pointing out how obviously fake it is and in what ways.

Tommy claimed that he had composed the music for the Intellivision Amico game, Astrosmash. The music in the game was identitied as stock music.

Here is a video showing Tommy's claim and the source of the stock music.

Tommy claimed that he was the first person to perform on the stage in Yonge-Dundas Square, AND that it was built for him. Actually, the stage already existed and people had already played it.

This video shows Tommy making the claim and also the fact that others had already played the stage well before him.

Tommy boasts about being vegan. He even appears in PETA magazines talking about his veganism. Elsewhere, Tommy boasts about eating pizza and other dairy products.

Here is a video showing some of Tommy's vegan boasting, and also the clips of him talking about eating non-vegan food.

Tommy has tried to take credit for the music and sound direction in the original Prince Of Persia when the music already existed before he got involved.

• Tommy has said that he came up with the idea for the type of music in Prince Of Persia, when in fact everything he claims to have done was already in the game. This video goes into it further with examples.

Tommy has claimed that he is an Emmy award winner. He is not. Tommy has never won an Emmy.

• His co-host on Electric Playground, Victor Lucas, won a regional Emmy for something he did which did not involve Tommy in any way, and Tommy tried to take credit for it. See this video.

Tommy once asked his fans to leave fake testimonials/positive comments on their StartEngine page to persuade people to invest.

• In February 2022, Intellivision started another investment crowdfunding campaign, this time on StartEngine. In private DMs (shown here) Tommy asked his fans to "rally the troops" and leave positive comments to try and persuade people to invest. One of those that left a comment was an undisclosed investors themselves (DJC/Charles Y). StartEngine closed Intellivision's campaign to "protect" their investors.

Tommy liked using a rehearsed line asking if people's parents were still alive to try and emotioinally manipulate them into being Amico fans.

• During many of the streams and interviews he did to promote Amico, Tommy repeatedly used a scripted line asking if peoples' parents were still alive to try and get them emotionally invested in Amico. This video shows many examples of him doing it.

Tommy once said had been saving videos of people criticizing the Intellivision Amico so that when it was a success (spoiler: it never even came out) he would make a video mocking them

Tommy on multiple occasions has made the claim that Symphony magazine wrote an article about him/Video Games Live and said that Tommy had "saved symphonies" around the world.

• Actually the article was not just about Video Games Live, and the article in question didn't even mention Tommy, let alone say that he "saved symphonis". This video checks out his claim.

Tommy has for years been known as the person who did the music for the Earthworm Jim games, he's proudly boasted about it at every opportunity and coasted on being that guy for 20 years.

• In March 2023, musician Tony Bernetich claimed he did some of the music for Earthworm Jim 1, and most of the music for Earthworm Jim 2, and that Tommy used midi files from the internet for the others. Here is Tony's first comment, and here is a Twitter thread (archived version) comparing midi files.

At PRGE 18, when Tommy announced Amico, he claimed that the Amico would be more powerful at 2D than Playstation or Xbox due to its "21st century 2D chip and architecture".

• This was seen by multiple people, including the person who recorded the event (who Tommy asked to remove his 2D claim), yet Tommy has tried to deny that he said it, and claimed those people are lying. Here is an in-depth look at the claim.

Tommy once said that James Cameron asked him to write music for Terminator 2... two years after the movie had come out.

• Tommy said that he needed to get Cameron's approval for the Terminator game (which came out in 1993), and his CD (which came out in 1994), and that Cameron asked him to write music for Terminator 2. Which came out in 1991. Unless Tommy time travelled, this could not have happened -

This is the end of the page but not the end of Tommy's classic moments. Check back at a later date to see if more have been added.